Friday, April 3, 2015

Obamacare a step in the right direction

     We live in a country in which the majority of its population does not have any type of health insurance. As for those citizens who still don’t have coverage, they are highly recommended to go ahead and apply for Obamacare. Why not give it a shot? It’s better to be safe than sorry, and healthcare coverage always pays off in the long run.

     Obamacare lets its applicants keep a specific doctor of their choice. If you happen to like the current plan you are under, no one will take it away or change it. However, Obamacare lets you keep your insurance coverage. Obamacare is not a government takeover of health care. The reform legislation builds on our existing private health insurance system to fulfill citizens who had no access to affordable healthcare before the legislation.  This program is the largest health care tax cut in history for middle class families, again to help make insurance much more affordable and obtainable for millions of families living in the United States.

     Quality of care improvements under Obamacare has its benefits. Patient care under Medicare will improve as pilot programs work to help fix deficiencies. Doctors and hospitals are encouraged to work through payment incentives and are rewarded with bonus through quality, not quantity. This is also fixing the physician shortage from help by the PPACA. They include numerous policies to train more primary care physicians, increase medical supplies, and improve medical equipment.

     Under the Constitution, Congress has the power to tax citizens and spend money on welfare. This specific tax, the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA) promotes the general welfare because it makes healthcare more available and affordable. In regards to where these savings are coming from, the reduction of out of pocket costs and lower taxes for Medicare and Medicaid will add up and reduce costs. Obamacare has its ways of preventing medical bankruptcy by limiting how much any family buying insurance in the exchange can be expected to pay out of pocket. This is done by not allowing you to exceed a certain percentage of your annual income in health insurance premiums. Providers will be willing to give time to help pay off bills, and even give discounts.

     Overall, I believe that we should definitely consider Obamacare a step in the right direction. The US is trying to fix what is broken and build on what works, slowly but surely. Citizens need to start thinking about what benefits them in the future.

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